In today’s world of Netflix and HBO flicks we are only familiar with content of the Frontier languages and the Hidden Gems are always left Behind. The contents by minority languages are way more interesting and unique than all the other contents. One of such Industries is the Telugu industry. Telugu industry provides such unique, interesting and indulging contents that make you want to see more and more.
Like all the other content platforms like Netflix, hoichoi and others the Telugu industry also has a content platform which is named as the aha app this app provides you with Telugu content by uploading recurrently on their website. This app was developed by the Arha media broadcasting Private Limited .It provides you with the feature of searching movies, series and shows according to your favourite genres.
In Aha app you can have access to the whole ocean of Telugu movies with just one click. It provides you with a variety of features like subtitles, kids sections, quick bits and many more that make your experience with the app more exciting and indulging. If you are a fan of the Telugu content and want to explore more about this app then do read this article thoroughly.