Kuku Fm is India’s largest audiobook app where you can read biographies, learn about Indian literature and listen to audiobooks. Millions of people use this app to listen to new audiobooks and biographies. It has a beautiful and friendly user interface with lots of amazing features.
View or listen to book summaries and read different books to know about the history and technology emerging in the world. All you have to do is to put on your earphones and start listening to amazing audiobooks and romantic stories. Audiobooks are divided into different categories including motivation, science, management, economics, horror, love and many more.
There are around 10,000 titles and more updates each day. You can listen to these audiobooks in different languages such as Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, English and many more. This app is completely free to use and you can easily explore famous and latest titles on this app. Add books in your favorite or you can directly share with your friends.