MagiCut Apk

App nameMagiCut Apk
Size175 MB




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About this App

The app MagiCut Apk provides users with the ability to edit their photos. The app provides users with the ability to add text to their photos and make them unique and eye catching. These texts would also help them in conveying their message or interacting with their audience. The app also consist of a beauty corrector. This beauty corrector helps the user in auto tuning their features.

They can brighten their eyes or smoothen their face by using the applications services. The user can even change their backgrounds and cut the unwanted parts of their backgrounds. Not only that, but the user can add their desired backgrounds to it as well. The app allows them to crop their photos in desired size to fit the social media platform rules. The app also allows its users to draw creative graffiti on their photos. The users of MagiCut Apk can also make collages and montages with ease by using its out of the world features.

The users of the app MagiCut Apk can also make use of their 100 plus templates to make as many edits as their heart desires. The friendly and intuitive user interface makes sure that the user gets to navigate through the app without facing any kind of difficulties. The app will require some permissions in order to work properly. These permission includes photo media settings, microphone settings and others.

MagiCut Apk