Muzei Live Wallpaper 344 Free APK Download - Muzei Live Wallpaper 3.4.4 Free APK Download apk icon

App nameMuzei Live Wallpaper 3.4.4

Roman Nurik and Ian Lake

Min. requirement

Android 4.4+

Mirror 1

Mirror 2
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About this App

Muzei is a live wallpaper that gently refreshes your home screen each day with famous works of art. It also recedes into the background, blurring and dimming artwork to keep your icons and widgets in the spotlight. Simply double touch the wallpaper or open the Muzei app to enjoy and explore the artwork in its full glory.Alternatively, you can choose your favorite photos from your own gallery or other apps to use on your home screen. To keep your wallpaper fresh, Muzei will rotate through your favorite photos every few hours.Finally, Muzei is developer-friendly. All the code is available at and Muzei even offers a simple API that allows you to build your own wallpaper source. For API details, visit you use a third party Legacy Source, you must disable Battery Optimizations on that app to allow it to continue to load artwork. See for more details.·····Muzei now includes a watch face for Android Wear, so you can see your latest wallpaper right on your wrist!·····Made by Roman Nurik and Ian Lake, along with contributions from many in the Android community. Muzei is a transliteration of the Russian word музей, which means “museum.”Featured artwork in Muzei is curated daily by our small staff and made possible thanks to and its contributors.