SwiftScan - PDF Document Scanner Apk

App nameSwiftScan – PDF Document Scanner Apk




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About this App

The SwiftScan – PDF Document Scanner Apk application provides users with the ability to scan the documents without having to require a portable scanner. The application was developed by Maple Media web developers. The SwiftScan – PDF Document Scanner Apk application allows users to easy scan the documents and then automatically upload the scan to any of the cloud service that they have selected.

the cloud services that the application supports include Dropbox, Google Drive, one drive, box, Ever note, Magenta cloud, WebDAV, Amazon cloud drive, slack and others. The users of the SwiftScan – PDF Document Scanner Apk application cannot only edit the documents but can also email those by just on a single tap. The user interface of the application is quite friendly and intuitive and help in easy navigation.

The application allows users to scan single as well as multi page documents and can also change the theme as per their liking. The use of this application can as well name their files by using the smart file naming option. The application give importance to the privacy and safety of the users files and documents thus it does not and it never save the documents onto the application or onto the Internet world.

The SwiftScan – PDF Document Scanner Apk application requires some of the permissions in order to work on the user’s device these permissions include access to camera settings, photos and media files settings, internet connection settings, storage settings, calendar settings, contact settings and other device settings.