TousAntiCovid 315 Free APK Download - TousAntiCovid 3.1.5 Free APK Download apk icon

App nameTousAntiCovid 3.1.5


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Android 5.0+

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About this App

Using TousAntiCovid helps to protect your loved ones, yourself and everybody else by alerting you if you have been close to a user who tests positive.The TousAntiCovid application is designed for use in France.Let’s protect our loved ones, ourselves and everybody else.
TousAntiCovid is simple:# Activate the applicationTousAntiCovid uses your phone’s Bluetooth connection to detect other users’ phones when they are close to yours. # Stay informedYou will be alerted when you have been close to a user who tests positive for COVID-19.# Protect your loved ones and everybody elseIf you take a test for COVID-19 that turns out to be positive, the laboratory will give you a code to scan or enter manually to send an anonymous alert to users who have been close to you.# Your data are protectedThe application never tracks your location and it is impossible to discover a user’s identity.This application of contact tracing for Covid-19 has been developed by the TousAntiCovid team under the supervision of the Ministry for Solidarity and Health and the Ministry of State for Digital Affairs.